To accompany and advise our clients with a lot of expertise and strategic considerations is the most essential core of our activity. And the fact that the real estate industry must turn to sustainability is not a special project goal for us.
As a company, we have been concerned for a long time with the question of how we can be more sustainable as a project management company – even though we do not belong ourselves to the capital market-oriented companies. In this context, our contribution as IQ Real Estate GmbH is greatest when we have properly advised the projects we accompany in this respect.
In concrete terms, this means that we have been working intensively over the last few months to be able to support our clients with the following topics:
– strategy for ESG compliance of our clients in the projects
– ESG due diligence separately or extension of TDD in acquisitions and sales
– review of ESG factors in the context of financing monitoring and project management
Since it has always been part of our corporate DNA not to handle relevant industry issues by individuals or separate departments, but to make knowledge of these issues familiar and natural to each of our employees, we therefore do not present our ESG management here, but the attitude we take as a company:
ESG as a natural part of the consulting and management services at IQ Real Estate GmbH!